How To Spot Healthy Snack Food Trends For Your Craft Service Table

Let me say upfront, you don’t have to be a food expert or attend food trade shows in order to spot craft service snack ideas. You can discover what’s “hot” in craft services by simply becoming more aware.

Here are four easy ways to add new snacks to your craft service table.

Restaurant Menus

Every time you go to your favorite restaurant search the menu for the “what’s new” items. You want to pay particular attention to the appetizer and dessert sections. This is a great way to find snacks that you can either make or buy pre-made from your local grocer.

Cooking Shows

The Food Network, The Cooking Channel, Recipe TV, as well as the popular broadcast network show “The Chew” are all excellent vehicles for keeping abreast of what’s new in snack food. Watch the chefs prepare the snacks then go to the network’s website and download the recipe. Sometimes the websites allow you to view the segment again.

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Supermarket Check-Out

One of my favorite pastime activities while standing on the grocery store check-out line is to flip through the food magazines. Here you can find lots of snack ideas to put on your craft service snack table. If you see several interesting ideas,  buy the magazine or look for the recipe on the magazine’s website.

Food Blogs

There’s a food blog for just about every type of food under the sun. Follow some of the top snack food bloggers to see what types of goodies they’ve raving about. When you find a recipe that will work well with your craft service fare, bookmark the post. 


Don’t have time to follow trends the same way I do? Don’t worry that’s what I’m here for! I’ve done the work for you. Here’s a shortlist of upcoming trends:

  • Snacks with less added sugar
  • More snack foods made from quinoa and chia
  • Plain, full fat yogurt
  • Snacks made from legumes
  • Probiotic snacks (probiotics are good bacteria found in aged cheese, yogurt, & soy drinks

A Must-Have For All Craft Services 

6 Food Service Trends Your Cast & Crew Demand (A Free Cheat Sheet!)

Paying attention to food trends will help you immensely when planning what snacks to buy for your craft service table. Remember, whatever food trend is more helpful the  harmful to the cast and crew’s energy level is the trendy snacks you want to include in your spread.

You may also be interested in: the best kind of snacks for the craft service table


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