Pirates Of The Caribbean Reportedly Had Megabuck Craft Service Budget In The MILLIONS!

craft service budget

Most of us in craft services can only wish we had millions to spend on snacks and beverages for our cast and crew. But the reality is, most of us are not given a megabuck craft service budget. Instead we get around $1500 – $2500 a week to spend because most craft service jobs are with independent productions.

Independent productions have much lower overall budgets than Hollywood blockbusters and therefore have much lower food budgets.

Today I share an interesting story about the massive snack budget for one of the most successful movie franchises around… Pirates Of The Caribbean starring Johnny Depp.

And just recently, it was revealed that Disney spent about $2 million on snacks alone while filming Dead Men Tell No Tales.

According to Jack Davenport, who plays Commodore James Norrington, he talked to a craft services chef for the franchise who said the budget was “unlimited,” but cited a ballpark figure of about $2 million, as reported by Bloomberg.

‘Pirates Of The Caribbean,’ Starring Johnny Depp, Had A Crazy Snack Budget Running Into Millions

Remember, just because you may not have a million dollar food budget, it doesn’t mean you can’t provide a decent spread for your hungry cast and crew. Click here for some great ideas!

If you would like to know how to get started in craft services, check out my seven part “how-to” series.

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