The Best Kind Of Snacks For The Craft Service Table

Craft service snacks

Everyone who works in craft services will have a different opinion on what the best craft service snacks are.

Here’s mine.

I like to make or buy craft service snacks to serve my cast and crew that meet the following criteria:

  1. They can be made easily on set
  2. They can be eaten quickly
  3. They can be held in the hand


The reason for this criteria is because production crews are on the move from the start of the workday until the end. They build sets, move cameras, hang lights, erect blocking screens, and a whole lot more. They simply don’t have time to eat foods that require a plate, fork, and knife before and after their sit-down lunch.

I know from experience some producers don’t see things as I do. They feel craft service snacks should consist of trays of hot food like pasta, sausage, and peppers. Personally, I can’t wrap my head around a grip trying to hang scaffolding while eating a plate of spaghetti.

In my opinion, if craft service snacks can be consumed in one bite, all the better. Cast and crew members can pass the craft service table, grab a snack, pop it in their mouth, and keep it moving.

These one-bite craft service snacks don’t have to be pre-packaged goods like cookies and candy… although they could be. I’m talking about snacks made from healthier ingredients.

You may also be interested in 16 craft service snack ideas that won’t break the craft service budget.

It doesn’t take much time to spread a spoonful of tuna salad on a cracker or a dollop of bruschetta on a piece of toasted baguette.

For something more hearty, you can make sandwiches, wraps, or stuffed pitas. These will provide the crew with enough sustenance to make it until catering provides lunch and are easy to make. As an extra energy treat you may want to offer ginger drink shots.

A Must-Have For All Craft Services 

6 Food Service Trends Your Cast & Crew Demand (A Free Cheat Sheet!)

You should also consider the impact your craft service snacks will have on the set. You don’t want crews dripping barbecue sauce from their Buffalo wings on the sofa that’s going to be in the next scene.

Nor do you want cast members getting marinara sauce from a meatball sub all over the white shirt they just got from wardrobe. Boneless chicken nuggets and sauce-less meatballs with toothpicks are better alternatives.

A little common sense when it comes to your snack selection will go a long way. Just keep my three criteria in mind as you plan your craft service menu and you’ll do just fine.

you may be interested in:

Greek Salad Stuffed Pita

Chicken And Waffles

Bananas: A craft service snack essential

Did you know you Amazon will deliver your craft service snacks to you? Click the banner below and check it out.



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